Making the supply of drinking water and the food industry more sustainable, developing new energy sources, performing research into new types of medicine and alternatives for animals testing, trace research and supporting environmental law enforcement. These are only a few examples of the high-profile areas in which Bachelor of Science (BSc) graduates in the Applied Science DomainA group of study programs that are related in terms of content and career opportunities; the professional context within the Applied Science domain is often a laboratory, testing or production environment, or pilot plant are making their contributions in finding new solutions for a variety of societal challenges.

The Applied Science Domain covers all higher professional education (in Dutch: hoger beroepsonderwijs or hbo) programmes that train practice-oriented professionals in applied natural sciences. This comprehensive domain profile description was written to provide an overview of what the ten bachelor programmes in this domain have to offer. It provides information as to how we are preparing professionals for a broad and multi-faceted professional field A collection of all professions or roles in which graduates with a Bachelor of Science in the Applied Science domain are employed. This is also referred to as the 'professional field'.

This profile description offers an extensive view of the knowledge, skills and competencesA combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to perform a specific professional task in a particular context. Competencies can be measured and assessed, and can be improved through training and development.  that students develop in the various programmes within this domain. A few examples: competences in the field of research and experiments, data management and the development of new products and processes, and competences in the area of self-management, advice, coaching and project-based work. Employees also provide input, enabling the graduates to attain the competences, skills and knowledge that are in demand within the professional field.


The profile description offers an overview per individual programme in terms of the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BoKS), which is the overall basis offered by every university of applied science (or hogeschool). The main focus is on the knowledge and skills that students acquire during their first two course years in the programme, before entering their specialisation phase.

With this description, the Applied Science Domain (DAS) foundation provides a nation-wide partnership in which universities of applied science and the professional field work closely together, as well as a real-time national framework for what graduates from universities of applied science in the Netherlands within the Applied Science Domain are expected to know and be able to do. This is convenient for employers, as it provides insight into what they may expect from those graduates. The universities use this framework as a benchmark for their own programme profiles, learning objectives and curricula.

The following bachelor programmes are involved: