The environmental science programme trains students to become environmental science engineers. The central issue is the sustainable improvement of the living environment, varying from clean air, soil and water to e.g. recycling waste substances. This is done on a natural-scientific basis and bearing in mind what is manageable from a societal standpoint.
Environmental science engineers will start work with e.g. advice and engineering agencies, where they will be responsible for performing research into subdomains. They collect data (from the professional field, literature, laboratory research), analyse and interpret this data and contribute to formulating and designing solutions. Working in a client-based and project-based manner is of great importance in those environments. They can also fill similar advisory positions within the industrial domain as a staff department assistant, focusing on improving sustainability, the environment and corporate safety. Their communication skills are also of the essence, due to their interaction with stakeholders.
With regard to the position of environmental engineer, more emphasis is placed on improving technologies (e.g. a water treatment plant) – as an assistant researcher, the bachelor will collect and interpret environmental quality data. With governments, e.g. environmental bodies, the environmental science engineer will occupy the role of enforcer, permit issuer or policy officer.
The National Training Profile Environmental Science was set in a national consultation among all higher vocational (hbo) Environmental Science programmes. Other Environmental Science programmes are not part of the Applied Science domain and are not reflected here. For more information, please refer to the Professional Profile Environmental Science (2021).
National Educational Programme
Body of Knowledge & Skills
- Sustainable development: people, planet, profit, corporate social responsibility (CSR), systems thinking, SDGs ethics
- Living environment: environmental quality, sustainable design, management and use, impacts (risk assessment) on the living environment
- Soil, water, air: chemical and physical properties of soil, water and air, sources and behaviour of substances, research, standard setting, effects, measures, management.
- Ecosystem: Cell and micro-biology, toxicology, ecology, ecosystem services.
- Climate change: impacts, climate mechanisms, mitigation and adaptation.
- Circular economy: completing cycles through technology and management (waste and raw materials), LCA, bio-based and process technology.
- Energy: sustainable energy supply, energy transition.
- Legislation and environmental policy: international and national environmental policies, policy instruments, environmental law.
- Economics and management: financial viability, quality management
- Environmental technology: purification techniques, design and optimisation (including water, soil and air), end-of-pipe to source approach.
Research skills
- Drawing up an Action Plan through problem analysis, setting objectives, setting up research questions, activities and planning
- Discussion/interpretation on results to reach correct conclusion and recommendations
- Literature review (including English-language and scientific literature)
- Statistical methods
- Quantitative research methods
- Skills in the professional field
- General laboratory skills: proper use of required materials and equipment in line with a protocol, using a lab journal, working safely, preparing a measurement report.
Advisory skills
- Formulating problem definition, objective and project proposal based on the client’s wishes and requirements. Modifying the project approach during implementation where necessary.
- Maintaining customer relationships adequately.
- Identifying stakeholders and involving them where necessary.
- Empathising with the customer’s position and environment.
- Translating results into substantiated advice and reporting and presenting it in a customer-based manner
Digital skills
- Creating calculation and data models in Excel
- Geographic Information System
- Diffusion models
- Sustainability models
- Managing himself in his functioning and development: setting learning goals and reflecting on them. Being able to provide and receive feedback in a constructive manner.
- Being flexible in a variety of professional situations
Project management
- Setting up a (sub)project and being able to adjust activities in terms of time, money, quality, information and organisation.
- Task and process-based communication
- Stimulating collaboration and being able to delegate.
- Communicating and cooperating with others and meeting the demands of participating in a professional organisation
The Body of Knowledge and Skills is a summary of graduates’ basic knowledge and basic skills which has been prepared by the HBO-programmes in consultation with the professional field. These are obtained during the first two years of education.
Institutions and professional fields
Institutions offering the programme keyboard_arrow_down
- Avans University of Applied Sciences, Breda
Professional field alignment keyboard_arrow_down
The Environmental Science programme at Avans University of Applied Sciences has a unique position within the Applied Science domain: it is the only environmental science programme within this domain. The Environmental Science programme has a national training profile that was set up under a collaboration with all environmental science programmes (from the agricultural education sector) offered at universities of applied science in the Netherlands. This national training profile, which includes the Body of Knowledge & Skills, was set up and validated by representatives from the professional field of all environmental science programmes and as such, it is widely supported by the professional field. Additionally, the connection to the programme offered by Avans University of Applied Sciences to the competence profile of Bachelor of Science within the Applied Science domain was validated by a separate consortium of professional field representatives of the university of applied science.
Typical course books keyboard_arrow_down
- Environmental Science, a global concern, W. Cunningham e.a.
- Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science; M.L. Davis, S.J. Masten
- Campbell Biology, L.A. Urry, M.L. Cain e.a.
- Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, M.C. Newman
- Brock Biology of Microorganisms, M.T. Madigan, K.S. Bender e.a.
- Foundations Maths, A. Croft, R. Davison
- Managing your competencies, R. Grit
- Project Management, R. Grit
- Praktisch Omgevingsrecht, H.M. Liedekerken
The list of typical textbooks serves as an illustration to give an impression of the level at which the subject is taught in the study programme.