Bioinformatics is the field where computer and information technology are used to collect, store, make accessible, analyse, interpret, and disseminate data from biomedical and/or biological research.

Key areas within this field include genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics (including protein modelling, structure, and function), metabolomics, and the integration of data from these areas. Bioinformaticians work in biological and biomedical research at scientific institutions, as well as in companies within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, and plant breeding industries.

National Educational Programme

Body of Knowledge & Skills


  • General Biology: organisms, tissues, evolution
  • Cell Biology: cell structure, energy supply, transport, cell-to-cell communication, mitosis, meiosis, gene regulation, signal transduction pathways, metabolic pathways
  • Genetics: DNA structure, replication, code, transcription, translation, epigenetics, mutations, SNPs, structural variations, inheritance, population genetics
  • Microbiology/Virology: structure, diversity, metabolic strategies, evolution
  • General Chemistry: atomic structure, periodic table, molecules, nomenclature, reactions, kinetics
  • Biochemistry: building blocks, macromolecules, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, metabolism


  • Programming in Python: data structures, control structures, modular approach, GUIs, Biopython, Python-database approach, data types, object-oriented programming
  • Programming in Java: object-oriented programming, application of algorithms, inheritance
  • Programming in R: scripting, data analysis, statistics, data visualisation
  • Web Technology: HTML, CSS, web services
  • Databases: relational design, implementation, querying, and programmatic interaction (MySQL)
  • Workflow Tools: e.g., Galaxy, Snakemake
  • Linux: bash scripting, Regex
  • Sequencing Technologies: NGS technologies, assembly, mapping, NGS application areas (e.g., de-novo & re-sequencing) exome sequencing
  • Algorithmic Aspects of Sequences: alignment, mapping, graphs, scoring matrices
  • Sequence Annotation: BLAST and related software
  • Gene Expression Analysis: RNA-seq data, Bioconductor
  • Homology and Phylogeny
  • Practical Use of Bioinformatics Tools: e.g., BLAST, OMIM, Genome Browsers, Genbank, Uniprot, KEGG, MSA tools, topology prediction, PFAM, PROSITE, YASARA, PDBe, Gene Expression Omnibus, FASTQ, mappers & aligners & assemblers
Statistics & Data Analysis
  • Sampling: types of data, population and sample, errors, bias, variation, (un)certainty
  • Descriptive Statistics: e.g., mean, median, standard deviation, range, interquartile range
  • Visualisation: e.g., box plot, histogram, scatter plots, Venn diagram, trees, heatmaps
  • (Hypothesis) Testing: e.g., t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, Wilcoxon, non-parametric
  • Cluster Analysis: distance measures, hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering
  • Regression: Linear, Non-linear, Multivariate, PCA
  • Data Mining/Machine Learning: e.g., Decision Trees, Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbour, Neural Networks, SVM

The Body of Knowledge and Skills is a summary of graduates’ basic knowledge and basic skills which has been prepared by the HBO-programmes in consultation with the professional field. These are obtained during the first two years of education.

Institutions and professional fields

Institutions offering the programme

  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
  • HAN University of Applied Sciences

Illustration of professional field

Professions, Roles, and Positions for Bachelor’s Graduates
These are primarily found in the following professional domains. Examples for each domain are provided below:

Research and Development
  • Analysing large datasets from high-throughput laboratory research
  • Scientific programmer
Analytical Laboratory and Production
  • Management of gene and protein databases
  • Analysing gene sequencing data streams
Commerce, Service, and Consultancy
  • Biotechnological data consultant

Typical course books

  • Campbell Biology, L.A. Urry, M.L. Cain e.a.
  • Essentials of Genetics / Concepts of Genetics, W.S. Klug, M.R. Cummings e.a.
  • General, Organic and Biochemistry, K.J. Denniston, J.J. Topping e.a.
  • Starting out with Python, T. Gaddis
  • Data Structures and Algorithms using Python, R.D. Necaise
  • Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, J. Pevsner
  • Using R for Introductory Statistics, J. Verzani
  • Data Mining, I. Witten, E. Frank e.a.
  • Statistics for the Life Sciences, M.L. Samuels, J.A. Witmer e.a.

The list of typical textbooks serves as an illustration to give an impression of the level at which the subject is taught in the study programme.