The Bachelor of Science manages himself in performing his duties and in his development and ensures that he is up to date with the latest developments in terms of knowledge and skills and in terms of ethical dilemmas and socially accepted norms and values.

The professional demonstrates this by:

A | Independently determining and executing a learning objective and strategy, and reflecting the outcome back to the learning objective.
B | Adapting quickly to changing work environments.
C | Making a decision when faced with professional and ethical dilemmas, taking into account socially accepted norms and values.
D | Giving and receiving feedback.
E | Critically evaluating one’s own thinking and actions, taking responsibility, and incorporating the outcomes.

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8. Competence Self-management

The Bachelor of Science manages himself in performing his duties and in his development and ensures that he is up to date with the latest developments in terms of knowledge and skills and in terms of ethical dilemmas and socially accepted norms and values.

8. Self-management

The Bachelor of Science manages himself in performing his duties and in his development and ensures that he is up to date with the latest developments in terms of knowledge and skills and in terms of ethical dilemmas and socially accepted norms and values.

Niveau I Niveau II Niveau III Niveau IV
The student reflects on his own performance.

The student demonstrates this by:

The student reflects on his own performance and development.

The student demonstrates this by:

The student manages himself in his own work.

The student demonstrates this by:

Experienced professional (see description of competence above).

The professional demonstrates this by:

A Working towards an established learning objective. Discussing the learning strategy and the ensuing results; being aware of the function of a learning objective and how to use it in his learning strategy Determining his own learning objective and learning strategy in consultation/without assistance and reflecting on the result. Making a career development plan and setting his own new learning objectives. Setting and implementing a learning objective and a learning strategy without assistance and feeding the result back into the learning objective.
B Identifying any need to adjust his own performance in the academic environment. Using feedback on his own performance to adapt to the working environment. Adjusting his performance to meet the requirements of the different working environments. Quickly adapting to changing working environments.
C Communicating with others about professional and ethical dilemmas and identifying professional and ethical dilemmas. Taking note of any professional and ethical dilemmas and giving his opinion on them. Taking a position based on socially accepted professional and ethical norms and values. Weighing up professional and ethical dilemmas and taking a decision in accordance with socially accepted norms and values.
D Seeking information in order to improve his own performance. Taking on board criticism of work delivered and discussing his own performance with colleagues Adapting his own performance on the basis of experience. Giving and receiving feedback.
E e Critically evaluating his own actions and thinking. Being aware of the effect of his own attitude to work on others and on group members in the case of a project. Drawing conclusions on his own actions and if necessary articulating them to others. Accounting to others for his own actions and giving reasons for choices to be made. Critically evaluating his own actions and thinking, and accepting responsibility for them and taking this on board.

Niveau I

The student reflects on his own performance.

The student demonstrates this by:


Working towards an established learning objective. Discussing the learning strategy and the ensuing results; being aware of the function of a learning objective and how to use it in his learning strategy


Identifying any need to adjust his own performance in the academic environment.


Communicating with others about professional and ethical dilemmas and identifying professional and ethical dilemmas.


Seeking information in order to improve his own performance.


e Critically evaluating his own actions and thinking. Being aware of the effect of his own attitude to work on others and on group members in the case of a project.

Niveau II

The student reflects on his own performance and development.

The student demonstrates this by:


Determining his own learning objective and learning strategy in consultation/without assistance and reflecting on the result.


Using feedback on his own performance to adapt to the working environment.


Taking note of any professional and ethical dilemmas and giving his opinion on them.


Taking on board criticism of work delivered and discussing his own performance with colleagues


Drawing conclusions on his own actions and if necessary articulating them to others.

Niveau III

The student manages himself in his own work.

The student demonstrates this by:


Making a career development plan and setting his own new learning objectives.


Adjusting his performance to meet the requirements of the different working environments.


Taking a position based on socially accepted professional and ethical norms and values.


Adapting his own performance on the basis of experience.


Accounting to others for his own actions and giving reasons for choices to be made.

Niveau IV

Experienced professional (see description of competence above).

The professional demonstrates this by:


Setting and implementing a learning objective and a learning strategy without assistance and feeding the result back into the learning objective.


Quickly adapting to changing working environments.


Weighing up professional and ethical dilemmas and taking a decision in accordance with socially accepted norms and values.


Giving and receiving feedback.


Critically evaluating his own actions and thinking, and accepting responsibility for them and taking this on board.