The Bachelor of Science conducts research that either contributes to solving a problem or developing a method, or leads to greater insight into a subject within the student’s own professional environment.

The professional demonstrates this by:

A | Independently analyze a problem and translate it into the objective of the research assignment.
B | Independently select and obtain (scientific) literature and/or sources to fully delve into the problem, correctly assessing the reliability of the various sources of information.
C | Independently formulate sub-questions and research activities of the research to be conducted.
D | Methodically create a work plan, taking into account evaluation and adjustment moments, preconditions and uncertainties.
E | Execute a complex work plan effectively and efficiently and, if necessary, work with a dynamic planning. Acquire and apply relevant knowledge.
F | To summarize, structure and interpret the results in relation to the research question. Ensure reliable results.
G | Based on the conclusions and other insights, make proposals for a follow-up to the research.
H | Report the results of the research according to the applicable/valid standard in the field.
I | Result-oriented collaboration in a multidisciplinary context. Adequately communicate and report on progress and coordination.

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1 | Research

Within the Applied Science domain, the Bachelor of Science conducts research that either contributes to solving a problem or developing a method, or leads to greater insight into a subject within his professional environment.

1 | Competence Research

Within the Applied Science domain, the Bachelor of Science conducts research that either contributes to solving a problem or developing a method, or leads to greater insight into a subject within his professional environment.

Level I Level II Level III Level IV
The student performs simple research in response to a problem statement and setup provided.

The student demonstrates this by:
The student makes a major contribution to a research strategy provided and conducts the research.

The student demonstrates this by:
The student translates a problem provided into a research strategy and conducts the research.

The student demonstrates this by:

Experienced professional (see description of competence above).

The professional demonstrates this by:

A | Setting an objective for the research assignment Communicate substantively with the client about the problem and the objective of the research. Analyzing a problem in consultation and coordination and translating it into the objectives of the research assignment. Independently analyze a presented problem and translate it into the objective of the research assignment. Independently analyze a problem and translate it into the objective of the research assignment.
B | Using literature or sources Gaining insight into the professional aspects of the research by studying the literature or sources provided. Gaining insight into the problem and the professional aspects of the research by studying literature or sources of your own choice. Selecting and obtaining, without assistance, scientific and other literature or sources in order to study the problem in greater depth, thereby validating the reliability of the different sources of information. Selecting and obtaining, without assistance, scientific and other literature and/or sources in order to study the problem in full depth, thereby validating the reliability of the different sources of information.
C | Determining the research design Explaining the relationship between the research question provided, sub-questions and research activities. Formulating, under supervision, sub-questions and research activities regarding the research to be carried out. Formulating, without assistance, sub-questions and research activities regarding the research to be carried out. Formulating, without assistance, sub-questions and research activities regarding the research to be carried out.
D | Drawing up a work plan for research Developing an approach to carrying out the research activities of a simple research assignment according to a format provided, including the planning of the work. Preparing a work plan in consultation, drawing up the plan independently, taking account of any preconditions. Preparing a work plan without assistance, taking into account the interdependencies of various research activities and preconditions. Methodically drawing up a work plan, allowing time for evaluation and adjustment and taking account of preconditions and uncertainties.
E | Carrying out the research activities and obtaining the research results Working in accordance with the work plan when carrying out the assignment and finding effective ways of achieving the intended results. Applying basic knowledge or skills. Working in accordance with the work plan when carrying out the assignment. Implementing the work plan effectively and efficiently and determining whether interim adjustments are necessary on the basis of interim results. Applying relevant knowledge or skills. Implementing a complex work plan effectively and efficiently and updating it as necessary in between times. Acquiring relevant knowledge and putting it into practice. Implementing a complex work plan effectively and efficiently and working with dynamic scheduling as necessary. Acquiring relevant knowledge and putting it into practice.
F | Processing and checking data Summarising the data from the research activities, structuring it in the light of the research question and presenting it clearly. Reflecting critically on the results to determine whether they are realistic. Summarising and interpreting the full or partial results in relation to the assignment/ research question. Critically reflecting on the reliability of the results. Logically and clearly combining the full or partial results and interpreting them in relation to the research question. Performing an analysis of the reliability of the results. Summarising, structuring and interpreting the results in relation to the research question. Ensuring that the results are reliable.
G | Formulating research conclusions and recommendations Using the research results to formulate conclusions relating to the research question and if necessary submitting a proposal for improving the implementation of the assignment/the research. Using the research results to formulate conclusions relating to the research question and using these to make a proposal for follow-up steps. Using the research results to formulate and interpret conclusions relating to the research question. Making proposals for follow-up research based on the conclusions. Making proposals for followup research based on the conclusions and other insights.
H | Reporting Reporting orally and/or in writing on the assignment in accordance with specified guidelines. Combining the results into one report in accordance with the applicable guidelines/ standard. Reporting on the research in accordance with the standard applicable in the professional field. Reporting on the results of the research in accordance with the standard applicable/valid in the professional field.
I | Cooperation and communication Actively working as part of a team, processing the feedback on the work delivered to achieve better results. Being able to communicate concisely about goals and results as the work progresses. Acting as a full team member in the student's working environment, where feedback and reflection lead to better results, reasoned choices and effective coordination in conducting the research. Being able to match communication on progress to the situation. Acting as a full member and working as part of a team which also contains staff from other professional field(s). Communicating independently about the relevant substantive aspects of the progress. Collaborating in a resultoriented way in a multidisciplinary setting. Communicating and reporting effectively on progress and coordination.

Level I

The student performs simple research in response to a problem statement and setup provided.

The student demonstrates this by:

A | Setting an objective for the research assignment

Communicate substantively with the client about the problem and the objective of the research.

B | Using literature or sources

Gaining insight into the professional aspects of the research by studying the literature or sources provided.

C | Determining the research design

Explaining the relationship between the research question provided, sub-questions and research activities.

D | Drawing up a work plan for research

Developing an approach to carrying out the research activities of a simple research assignment according to a format provided, including the planning of the work.

E | Carrying out the research activities and obtaining the research results

Working in accordance with the work plan when carrying out the assignment and finding effective ways of achieving the intended results. Applying basic knowledge or skills.

F | Processing and checking data

Summarising the data from the research activities, structuring it in the light of the research question and presenting it clearly. Reflecting critically on the results to determine whether they are realistic.

G | Formulating research conclusions and recommendations

Using the research results to formulate conclusions relating to the research question and if necessary submitting a proposal for improving the implementation of the assignment/the research.

H | Reporting

Reporting orally and/or in writing on the assignment in accordance with specified guidelines.

I | Cooperation and communication

Actively working as part of a team, processing the feedback on the work delivered to achieve better results. Being able to communicate concisely about goals and results as the work progresses.

Level II

The student makes a major contribution to a research strategy provided and conducts the research.

The student demonstrates this by:

A | Setting an objective for the research assignment

Analyzing a problem in consultation and coordination and translating it into the objectives of the research assignment.

B | Using literature or sources

Gaining insight into the problem and the professional aspects of the research by studying literature or sources of your own choice.

C | Determining the research design

Formulating, under supervision, sub-questions and research activities regarding the research to be carried out.

D | Drawing up a work plan for research

Preparing a work plan in consultation, drawing up the plan independently, taking account of any preconditions.

E | Carrying out the research activities and obtaining the research results

Working in accordance with the work plan when carrying out the assignment. Implementing the work plan effectively and efficiently and determining whether interim adjustments are necessary on the basis of interim results. Applying relevant knowledge or skills.

F | Processing and checking data

Summarising and interpreting the full or partial results in relation to the assignment/ research question. Critically reflecting on the reliability of the results.

G | Formulating research conclusions and recommendations

Using the research results to formulate conclusions relating to the research question and using these to make a proposal for follow-up steps.

H | Reporting

Combining the results into one report in accordance with the applicable guidelines/ standard.

I | Cooperation and communication

Acting as a full team member in the student's working environment, where feedback and reflection lead to better results, reasoned choices and effective coordination in conducting the research. Being able to match communication on progress to the situation.

Level III

The student translates a problem provided into a research strategy and conducts the research.

The student demonstrates this by:

A | Setting an objective for the research assignment

Independently analyze a presented problem and translate it into the objective of the research assignment.

B | Using literature or sources

Selecting and obtaining, without assistance, scientific and other literature or sources in order to study the problem in greater depth, thereby validating the reliability of the different sources of information.

C | Determining the research design

Formulating, without assistance, sub-questions and research activities regarding the research to be carried out.

D | Drawing up a work plan for research

Preparing a work plan without assistance, taking into account the interdependencies of various research activities and preconditions.

E | Carrying out the research activities and obtaining the research results

Implementing a complex work plan effectively and efficiently and updating it as necessary in between times. Acquiring relevant knowledge and putting it into practice.

F | Processing and checking data

Logically and clearly combining the full or partial results and interpreting them in relation to the research question. Performing an analysis of the reliability of the results.

G | Formulating research conclusions and recommendations

Using the research results to formulate and interpret conclusions relating to the research question. Making proposals for follow-up research based on the conclusions.

H | Reporting

Reporting on the research in accordance with the standard applicable in the professional field.

I | Cooperation and communication

Acting as a full member and working as part of a team which also contains staff from other professional field(s). Communicating independently about the relevant substantive aspects of the progress.

Level IV

Experienced professional (see description of competence above).

The professional demonstrates this by:

A | Setting an objective for the research assignment

Independently analyze a problem and translate it into the objective of the research assignment.

B | Using literature or sources

Selecting and obtaining, without assistance, scientific and other literature and/or sources in order to study the problem in full depth, thereby validating the reliability of the different sources of information.

C | Determining the research design

Formulating, without assistance, sub-questions and research activities regarding the research to be carried out.

D | Drawing up a work plan for research

Methodically drawing up a work plan, allowing time for evaluation and adjustment and taking account of preconditions and uncertainties.

E | Carrying out the research activities and obtaining the research results

Implementing a complex work plan effectively and efficiently and working with dynamic scheduling as necessary. Acquiring relevant knowledge and putting it into practice.

F | Processing and checking data

Summarising, structuring and interpreting the results in relation to the research question. Ensuring that the results are reliable.

G | Formulating research conclusions and recommendations

Making proposals for followup research based on the conclusions and other insights.

H | Reporting

Reporting on the results of the research in accordance with the standard applicable/valid in the professional field.

I | Cooperation and communication

Collaborating in a resultoriented way in a multidisciplinary setting. Communicating and reporting effectively on progress and coordination.