The Bachelor of Science develops, implements and maintains a management system or parts thereof to ensure that the system conforms to the relevant legislation and quality standards and the organisation’s norms and values.

The professional demonstrates this by:

A | Translating changes in the context into advice on adjusting a management system.
B | Coordinating activities related to the design, implementation, and maintenance of the management system or its components.
C | Communicating effectively about the maintenance, development, and implementation of management systems.

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4 | Management

The Bachelor of Science develops, implements and maintains a management system or parts thereof to ensure that the system conforms to the relevant legislation and quality standards and the organisation’s norms and values.

4 | Management

The Bachelor of Science develops, implements and maintains a management system or parts thereof to ensure that the system conforms to the relevant legislation and quality standards and the organisation’s norms and values.

Level I Level II Level III Level IV
The student operates within the given frameworks and procedures described in relevant management systems.

The student demonstrates this by:

The student assesses his own work or the work of others against procedures described in relevant management systems.

The student demonstrates this by:

The student evaluates and maintains a management system.

The student demonstrates this by:

An experienced professional (see competency description above).
A | Context Demonstrating general knowledge of the context within which relevant management systems are implemented. Explaining the relevance of procedures arising from the management system within the context. Assessing the impact of changes in context on the organisation. Translating changes in the context into advice on adjusting a management system.
B | Design and content of the system Adhering to the guidelines of relevant management systems by acting appropriately in the execution of one's own tasks. Ensuring compliance with the guidelines of relevant management systems. Evaluating a management system, making suggestions for improvement, and ensuring these are implemented. Coordinating activities related to the design, implementation, and maintenance of the management system or its components.
C | Communication and reporting Communicating about (compliance with) the guidelines of relevant management systems during the execution of tasks. Reporting on (compliance with) the guidelines of relevant management systems. Reporting on the usability of the management system. Communicating effectively about the maintenance, development, and implementation of management systems.

Level I

The student operates within the given frameworks and procedures described in relevant management systems.

The student demonstrates this by:

A | Context

Demonstrating general knowledge of the context within which relevant management systems are implemented.

B | Design and content of the system

Adhering to the guidelines of relevant management systems by acting appropriately in the execution of one's own tasks.

C | Communication and reporting

Communicating about (compliance with) the guidelines of relevant management systems during the execution of tasks.

Level II

The student assesses his own work or the work of others against procedures described in relevant management systems.

The student demonstrates this by:

A | Context

Explaining the relevance of procedures arising from the management system within the context.

B | Design and content of the system

Ensuring compliance with the guidelines of relevant management systems.

C | Communication and reporting

Reporting on (compliance with) the guidelines of relevant management systems.

Level III

The student evaluates and maintains a management system.

The student demonstrates this by:

A | Context

Assessing the impact of changes in context on the organisation.

B | Design and content of the system

Evaluating a management system, making suggestions for improvement, and ensuring these are implemented.

C | Communication and reporting

Reporting on the usability of the management system.

Level IV

An experienced professional (see competency description above).

A | Context

Translating changes in the context into advice on adjusting a management system.

B | Design and content of the system

Coordinating activities related to the design, implementation, and maintenance of the management system or its components.

C | Communication and reporting

Communicating effectively about the maintenance, development, and implementation of management systems.