The programmes in the Applied Science Domain have eight domain competences with competence indicators. They can be found in Appendix III of the BSc profile description in the domain. On this page you will find the eight competence tables as separate downloads.

Please note: The current version is from July 2021, in which the copyright description of the document has changed. This page contains the updated document. All other contents of the document have not changed. The newest version, which is created in September 2022, contains revised competence tables 4. Management and 5. Advice. The newest version is only available in Dutch for now, but will be translated and uploaded as soon as possible.


The descriptions below apply to an experienced professional in the Applied Science Domain. The indicators and intermediate levels used by the programmes have been derived directly from them and developed into competence tables. Use the links below to download the eight tables. Would you rather have all the tables in one document? Click here to download Appendix III as a whole

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