On this page you will find the competence-oriented profile description of a Bachelor of Science in the Applied Science Domain – a dynamic document providing details of education programmes and occupations within this domain.
Please note: The current version is from September 2022, and contains revised competence tables 4. Management and 5. Advice.

You can read the entire profile description on this page or download it. From the menu on the right you can choose which individual competence tables for the eight domain competences and which programme profiles for the nine bachelor programmes in the domain to view and download.

About the profile description

The profile description contains background information on competences and final qualifications, practical examples of professional fields and jobs as well as specific programme profiles with their bodies of knowledge and skills. You will read about what all this knowledge and all these skills mean in practice in the interviews with young graduates who are now fully engaged in their professional field. We hope that we are painting an informative picture of the present but also, more importantly, of a promising professional future within our domain.

Approved by the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences

The document has not only been validated by the professional field, it has also been approved by the board of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen). The profile has been included in the public Profile Database held by the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences.

Applied Science on a map

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